Sunday, March 22, 2009

Valentine wreath

I know that it's a very late post, but I've been very late about a lot of home stuff lately because of the work load in my job. I'm still posting it anyway. As they say, better late than never.

When I took down our Christmas decorations last January, I told my husband that I'd remove the Christmas ornaments on them but that I'll be keeping the wreaths on our front door and kitchen door. My idea is to change their ornaments depending on the season or holiday.

For Valentine, I made little red hearts out of cardboard and outlined them with black glitter. I didn't have time to go to a shop to look for other Valentine ornaments though, but I hope to add more through the years.

wreath with Valentine hearts
My problem now is, it's already the last week of March and I still haven't replaced the hearts. Again, I haven't had the time to go shopping. I'm scheduled to have my monthly mall trip next Sunday and I hope I can sneak in the ornaments. I also hope that I can find something appropriate for summer. At least, the way our summers have been the past few years, I won't have to worry about replacing them until July!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Off with her hair!

After more than a year of having shoulder blade length hair, I finally had it chopped off. The past few months, I'd been putting it up in a bun or ponytail anyway because it was too much of a bother to blow dry and style. Then there's the fact that we've been hitting 33ºC already and it's only the start of summer. So I'm back to my short shag and my head feels so much lighter. I hope this means I can keep a cool head longer too!

my hair on the floor
When the hairdresser swept up all the hair he cut from me into this pile, he said, "Ma'm, there's more hair on the floor than you have on your head."